DRBA Commission Adopts 2025 Capital Improvement Program

March 17, 2025

DRBA Commission Adopts 2025 Capital Improvement Program

Allocates $178.5 Million to Improve Vital Infrastructure in Delaware, New Jersey

NEW CASTLE, Del. – The Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) Commissioners have adopted the agency’s 2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) along with an Authority-wide Five-Year Strategic Plan for the agency’s airports and crossing facilities. The 2025 CIP of $178.5 million is comprised of $131.7 million in Authority resources and nearly $46.8 million in federal, state, and local grant funds. The board action took place at the bi-state agency’s monthly meeting held in the James Julian Boardroom at the DRBA Administrative Complex in New Castle, Delaware

“A healthy, reliable infrastructure network is vital for economic growth and prosperity,” said Vince Meconi, Chief Operations Officer for the DRBA. “Millions of people rely on our family of transportation services to move goods and services, get to a family vacation or to commute to work every day.  As public stewards of some important regional transportation assets, the Authority will continue to make necessary and prudent investments in our family of transportation services that will benefit our customers.  This CIP is an investment in our collective future.”

The Five-Year Strategic Plan contains one hundred and twenty major capital projects at the Delaware Memorial Bridge (DMB), the Cape May-Lewes Ferry (CMLF), the Forts Ferry (FF), the Wilmington Airport (ILG), the Millville Executive Airport (MIV), the Cape May Airport (WWD), the Delaware Air Park (33N) and the Civil Air Terminal (CAT) and serves as a planning tool for long-term infrastructure needs and resource allocation.  
The complete Capital Improvement Program (CIP) can be found at www.drba.net and includes the following major projects:
Ship Collision Protection ‐ DMB: The existing tower fender system on the twin spans provides insufficient protection for current vessel traffic. This project provides a protection system meeting current standards and consists of eight 80-foot diameter “dolphin” (cylindrical) structures, two at the approach of each tower pier. The project is expected to be completed in October 2025 and has an estimated DRBA cost of $19,140,000 remaining this year. 

Bridge Worker Fall Protection ‐ DMB: The catwalks under the bridges are original to the Delaware Memorial Bridges and are not up to current safety standards. The project programs the installation
of lifelines throughout the catwalk system for proper fall protection. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $3,560,000 in 2025 and $7,500,000 in the out years.

Fall Prevention Fencing and Wind Protection ‐ DMB:   The project aims to install anti‐climb mesh fencing along both spans of the Delaware Memorial Bridges and provide mitigation measures to protect the bridge against extremely high winds. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $7,096,000 in 2025 and $13,147,000 in the out years. 

Annual Bridge Steelwork Repairs ‐ DMB:  This project programs miscellaneous steelwork repairs found to be necessary as a result of comprehensive annual inspections. These repairs are necessary to preserve the bridge's steelwork while maintaining safety and operational service levels. Work typically includes replacement of worn bearing assemblies, access platforms, maintenance of steel connections, installing new safety features, and other items. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $6,500,000 in 2025 and $17,000,000 in the out years. 

Annual Maintenance Bridge Span Painting ‐ DMB:  The annual bridge inspection report recommends repairs to the coating system of the Delaware Memorial Bridge to protect the structural steel on specific spans. The project programs funds to have deficient areas cleaned to bare metal and recoat with a 3‐ layer protective overcoat system. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $7,651,000 in 2025 and $28,294,000 in the out years.

Cashless Tolling – DMB: To streamline the toll collection process and increase the free flow movement of traffic, cashless tolling options are being planned. This project programs the study, design, and implementation of a cashless tolling system for the Delaware Memorial Bridge. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $250,000 in 2025 and $20,750,000 in the out years.

Cape May Approach Roads Rehabilitation ‐ CMLF: Pavements at the toll approach are deteriorating and improvements are necessary to maintain expected levels of service at the Cape May Terminal. The project proposes the design and construction for roadway reconfigurations at the terminal entrance, improvements to the approach roads, and the replacement of Cape May highway signage. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $450,000 in 2025 and $5,554,000 in the out years. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $3,436,000 by NJDOT. 

Annual Vessel Maintenance & Dry Docking- CMLF: The project programs annual capital expenditures for the three (3) vessels, particularly in areas that preserve these assets and improve passenger safety and operational reliability. Planned projects include primary vessel shipyard dry‐dockings and also purchase of life saving equipment, seating replacements, systems efficiency upgrades, generator overhauls, and miscellaneous improvements. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $10,700,000 in 2025 and $37,178,000 in the out years.

Beach Drive Improvements – CMLF:  Pavements along Beach Drive in Cape May are deteriorating and improvements are necessary. The project proposes the design and construction of improvements for Beach Drive, including replacement of utilities and highway signage. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $1,250,000 in the out years.

New Vessel Design & Construction – CMLF:  This project funds the design and project management/construction support for a new ferry vessel. This project has an

New Ferry Design Concept

estimated DRBA cost of $5,460,000 in 2025 and $78,630,000 in the out years. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $20,000,000 by the US Maritime Administration.

Passenger Terminal Improvements- ILG:  With the increase in commercial air traffic, there is a demand and need for expanding the existing hold room. This project programs the design and construction of expanding the current hold room to accommodate the increased demand. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $1,932,000 in 2025 and $900,000 in the out years. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $6.3 million by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 

Hangar 1 Renovations – ILG:  The maintenance storage facility located entirely within the secured perimeter of the Delaware Air National Guard, and existing facilities are inadequate. This project budgets for the renovations of Hangar 1 to accommodate maintenance equipment storage and other needs of the airport. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $1,800,000 in 2025 and $2,000,000 in the out years. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $400,000 by the FAA.

Taxiway 'B' Phase VI and VII (Construct Run‐up Pad) ‐ ILG:  A previous phase of the ongoing airport upgrades temporarily eliminated the run‐up pad for the airport. The project programs the design and construction of a new run‐up pad in a more suitable location for the airport. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $504,000 in 2025. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $9.1 million by the FAA.

De‐icing Pad – ILG: With the increase in commercial air traffic, there is a demand and need for expanding de‐icing activities for the airport. This project programs the design and construction of a new de‐icing pad to accommodate this demand. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $18,000 in 2025 and $1,657,000 in the out years. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $6.9 million by the FAA. 

ILG Passenger Parking Expansion ‐ ILG: This project expands landside parking facilities at the airport to accommodate commercial service growth. This project programs the design and construction of all necessary updates and expansions. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $50,000 in 2025 and $5,300,000 in the out years. 

Rehabilitate Taxiways "A", "C", and "G" – MIV:  In accordance with the findings of the latest Pavement Management Study, Taxiways A, C, and G are in need of repair. The project programs the design and construction costs for these repairs to include pavement resurfacing, lighting, signage, and associated drainage improvements. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $245,000 in 2025 and $613,000 in the out years. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $7,462,000 by the FAA.

Light Industrial Building- WWD:  Cape May Airport has experienced increased development and business interest. The Authority has constructed and leased two similar buildings, and there is demand for a third. The project provides for the construction of an additional light industrial building to accommodate new tenancy requests. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $1,541,000 in 2025.

Hangar Bank “F” Construction- 33N: There is a need for additional hangars at the Delaware Air Park. The project plans the construction of additional box hangars to address this demand. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $1,046,000 in 2025. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $844,000 by the FAA.

Apron Expansion – 33N: The existing apron space is predicted to become more heavily utilized as a result of the runway relocation and facility expansion. The project programs the design and construction of additional apron space, placed appropriately to serve the increased demand. This project has an estimated DRBA cost of $224,000 in 2025. The project is partially funded in the amount of approximately $2,022,000 by the FAA.

About the Delaware River and Bay Authority 
The DRBA, a bi-state governmental agency created by Compact in 1962, owns and operates the Delaware Memorial Bridge, the Cape May- Lewes Ferry, and the Forts Ferry Crossing.  The DRBA also manages two airports in New Jersey (Millville Executive Airport and Cape May Airport) and three in Delaware (Wilmington Airport, Civil Air Terminal and Delaware Airpark). All DRBA operating revenues are generated through the bridge, ferry and airport facilities.  For more information, visit www.drba.net.