Focus on Conservation
With an eye on reducing our impact on the environment, pollution prevention and resource conservation opportunities, the EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety) Department at the DRBA undertakes multiple initiatives with local waste management and recycling services and conducts ongoing audits of energy usage to benchmark our progress against known best practices.

Organizational Recycling
The DRBA recycles a diverse mix of materials including paper, cardboard, plastic, scrap metal, vegetative waste, tires, used cooking oil, e-waste, lamps and lighting waste, aerosol cans, used oil, batteries and oil filters. Our recycling process was enhanced by instituting Authority-wide waste management and recycling changes. This holistic approach has resulted in:
- A more informed employee base
- Increased material being recycled
- More accurate and consistent collection of recycling data
- Demonstrated recycling leadership through state organizations
- Strengthened recycling programs
Public Recycling
In addition to operational recycling, the DRBA has worked to increase recycling by the traveling public as they move through our various transportation hubs. The DRBA purchased sixteen 32-gallon durable containers made from recycled plastic and positioned them adjacent to trash containers to encourage customer recycling. All containers are covered to ensure to the degree possible that all trash and recyclables stay contained and out of the clutches of curious scavenging birds and land creatures.
Recycling container domes are painted blue to distinguish them from trash and remain aesthetically pleasing with the landscaping at transportation terminals.
Recycling Partnerships
In addition to our own efforts, the DRBA works closely with community partners and recycling offices in both Delaware and New Jersey. Recently, the Authority partnered with Waste Management, Inc. to acquire 350 blue bin recycling containers at no cost for employee work areas. This is just one of many ongoing partnership efforts.
For more information
Al Fralinger, Environmental, Health & Safety Manager
PH: (302) 571-6472
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