EPA Names Delaware River and Bay Authority WasteWise Partner of the Year for State Government

February 2, 2022

EPA Names Delaware River and Bay Authority WasteWise Partner of the Year for State Government

DRBA One of Twenty WasteWise National Partners of the Year.

NEW CASTLE, Del. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized the accomplishments of the Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) as one of 20 WasteWise National Partners of the Year. These national award winners for 2020 and 2021 prevented and diverted close to 408,000 tons of waste that would otherwise have been disposed of in landfills or incinerators, increasing global greenhouse gas emissions.  Instead, they saved over $22.5 million in landfill tipping fees and prevented climate and other environmental impacts.

DRBA which won the Partner of the Year award for State Government, is a multifaceted transportation authority responsible for a network of bridges crossed by 35 million vehicles annually, three ferries carrying 800,000 passengers per year, and five regional airports in two states.  DRBA prides itself as an organization connecting people and places in the heart of the northeast corridor that recognizes the importance of sound environmental practices in delivering these services.

Over the past six years, DRBA has increased its focus on resource conservation. In 2020, the authority reduced various waste streams and recycled over 4 million pounds of waste. DRBA increased the amount of waste material they recycle to 25 unique commodities, including aluminum, asphalt, lead acid and NiCad batteries, cardboard, concrete, e-waste electronics, oil filters, parts washer fluids, polycarbonate plastic, used cooking oil, aerosol cans, shredded paper, used motor oil, scrap metal, soil, spent lamps, tires, wood pallets, and vegetative waste. The program’s growth is tied to collaboration with employees, the public and suppliers through measurement, education, working together, and advancing sustainable business practices.

“Eco-design features, intelligent procurement, and sustainable business practices are our long-term vision, said Albert Fralinger III, DRBA Environment, Health & Safety Manager. “It’s a credit to our employees who have embraced our ongoing environmental sustainability efforts and to our partners for their assistance in building on past successes. We will continue to pursue opportunities and initiatives that reduce our carbon footprint and have a positive impact on our environment.”

As one of EPA’s longest-running voluntary programs, WasteWise celebrated its 27th year in 2021. Over the years, WasteWise partners prevented and diverted close to 249 million tons of waste from landfills and incinerators, preventing more than 488 million tons of associated greenhouse gas emissions, and saving more than  $13.7 billion in avoided landfill tipping fees.

“EPA applauds the courage, innovation and knowledge of the Delaware River and Bay Authority,” said EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Adam Ortiz. “By creatively developing and implementing solutions to reduce waste during a global health crisis, they and our other partners are reducing the effects of climate change and conserving natural resources; the importance of which cannot be overstated.”

EPA recognizes WasteWise partners in several data categories for the best overall improvement in waste prevention and recycling activities when compared to the previous year. This year, EPA also recognizes winners in narrative categories who achieved exemplary waste reductions in their organizations and businesses.

The WasteWise award winners achieved noteworthy accomplishments, such as reprocessing N95 respirators, implementing Sustainable Purchasing Guidelines at a university, and reusing shipping containers for return trips to avoid waste.

For More information and to learn about WasteWise https://www.epa.gov/smm/wastewise


James Salmon (DRBA)
302 571-6409