
Bear, Delaware
term expires July 1, 2025
Samuel E. Lathem
Vice Chairman
- Retired President, Delaware State AFL-CIO President
- Retired UAW International Staff, Chrysler Division, 1999-2004
- Retired Chrysler Newark Assembly Plant, member of UAW Local 1183, 1965-2004
- Retired Region 8 Administrator, 1993-2004
Civic and Business Affiliations
- Delaware River and Bay Authority Commissioner, June 2001-present
- Board member, Diamond State Port Corporation
- Board member, Junior Achievement
- Member, Interagency Council on Literacy
- Chairman, DE Council on Vocational Education
- Member, Task Force on High School Graduation Requirements
- Member, Workforce Development Council
- Member, Delaware Council on Labor
- UAW Volunteer Organization Award Recipient – Delaware
- UAW Summer School, University of Tennessee
- Region 8 Leadership Conference Participant on several occasions
Volunteer Work
- United Negro College
- Region 8 Family Training Center, Director of Special Tutoring
- Facilitator - UAW/4-H Summer Camp for inner city youth
Married to Jean Lathem; ordained Baptist minister, October 19, 1992; active member of the UAW since 1965.