Delaware Airpark Airport Master Plan
Virtual Public Information Meeting
A Virtual Public Information Meeting will be held to present an overview of the Airport Master Plan for the Delaware Airpark. The purpose of the meeting is to display findings on the existing conditions, forecast of activity, future facility requirements and recommended development plan. Representatives from the planning consultant, McFarland Johnson, Inc. will be present to discuss information via an online PowerPoint presentation. Delaware River and Bay Authority representatives as well as members of the consultant team will be available to answer questions and receive comments and input from the public.
When: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Virtual meeting link: Click here to join the meeting
The presentation will commence at 6:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. This platform is accessible even if you do not have MS Teams on your computer or device. If the link opens in a default or unsupported web browser, copy the link below and paste it into your preferred web browser to access the meeting. Project related materials such as the draft technical narrative report are available upon request. This public notice may also be found at in upcoming meetings.
For more information regarding this meeting, please contact:
James E. Salmon
Public Information Officer
Delaware River and Bay Authority
Meeting Date